Give your opinion on the name of the journal

Climanosco news
Posted on 04/04/2014

Give your opinion on the name of the journal
Michel S. Bourqui
2014-04-04 14:08:36

Dear Visitor,

I would like your opinion on the name of this journal. My first idea was Climate Online, but there may be better names. How do you feel about it, do you have other ideas? Please send me an email or/and use the Idea Forum “Climate Online Web Site” to bring your ideas to the attention of others and get a discussion going.

If we receive a sufficient number of feed-backs, I will ask the members to vote on the main propositions. Once this is settled, hopefully before July, we will register it as a trademark and get an internet domain name. The journal will then be migrated to its definitive internet address.

Michel Bourqui